
ECO and the Green Deal

This briefing assesses the impact of the Government’s main energy efficiency policies and compares it against past performance. If finds that the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and the Green Deal represent a significant loss of momentum in the deployment of energy efficiency measures compared to previous energy efficiency programmesRead more

Re-build Britain 2014

A report commissioned by Unison and the Energy Bill Revolution addressing the huge economic benefits the UK could generate if carbon tax was re-invested to improve the energy efficiency of households.Read more

Unison: Warm Homes into the Future

A Unison report investigating the multiple benefits of a national domestic energy efficiency programmeRead more

Citizens Advice Bureau: Raising standards cutting bills

Healthy Homes: a costed proposal to end fuel poverty through higher standards and fairer fundingRead more

MPs supporting the campaign
The only permanent solution to drive down energy bills and end fuel poverty.